On Saturday, August 3rd, the local chapter of Convention of States hosted a candidate forum for all fourteen candidates running for the Davidson County Board of Education. Five of those candidates showed up and several others sent in their responses despite their inability to attend. Here are my responses to the questions asked.
Constitution Related
Have you read the U.S. Constitution?
Yes. My journey began in 2019. I found Convention of States. I signed the petition and then attempted to get involved with my local chapter. But life was busy. When 2020 came along I received an invitation for COS volunteers to take the Constitution Alive course through Patriot Academy. This is where I was first introduced to Patriot Academy and Wallbuilders. I have been a fan of theirs ever since. After completing that course they had just finished creating Biblical Citizenship in Modern America so I took that course too. I became a Constitution Coach and since then have taught classes as needed to groups interested. I am currently teaching a course at Friedberg Moravian Church.
Do your values accord with the U.S. Constitution including the 1A Protection of Speech?
Yes. That is the beauty of our nation. Our first amendment guarantees us FIVE Rights.
- The First being Religion. Without freedom of religion all of our rights can be quickly stripped away.
- Next Comes our Freedom of Speech. We have the right to speak truth and opinions whether they offend someone or not. That is what free speech is. The only items NOT included in free speech are: obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct or incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property, true threats, false statements of facts, false advertising, and of course defamation of character. “Hate” speech is not a recognized exception to free speech.
- The third is Freedom of Press – we are free to have a press separate from government control.
- Freedom of Assembly – We can peaceably assemble with any people we choose.
- Lastly, Freedom to Petition our government for redress of grievances – in other words we have the right to petition our government officials to right wrongs committed. (Unfortunately, in our current school board, people petition but the sitting members seem to refuse to right the wrongs they have made.)
Sexualization of Children & Transgenderism
Do you believe that a teacher should discuss a child’s sexuality with them without a parent’s knowledge?
No. It takes a community to raise a child, true, but that does not mean you isolate a portion of the community. Teachers should talk with parents and assist children in that conversation with parents (if desired). But that would be the extent of it.
The Bible gives us family as the first sphere of government (Ephesians 5 and 6). God clearly indicates that parents are to raise up their children in the way of the Lord.
The second sphere of government is Civil Government (Romans 13: 4) This is the sword of justice. We institute government to protect our God Given Rights. Civil Government is to be the arm of justice.
Lastly, we are given church government (Ephesians 4: 12) The church’s duty is to raise up saints and train them in the works of the ministry.
Although there are areas of overlap, there are distinct roles that God intended for each sphere.
Should schools allow age-inappropriate books and other materials of a sexual nature to be available to children?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I got involved in this fight about a year ago. Last fall I connected with a local group called Pavement Education Project. They are working to get these books out of schools statewide.
I found a group out of Texas that has a growing database of books that they have identified as containing inappropriate content. Their current list has 410 books on it and links to the pages that allow parents to read the content for themselves. I have used this list and have identified 98 books in NDHS that are inappropriate. I am currently working on Oak Grove HS. But the process is slow, it takes a couple hours to sit at a computer searching digital library databases and compiling the information. So, if anyone is interested in helping me search the other schools in Davidson County, I welcome the assistance.
The problem with these books is they do not teach good morals. If adults want to read them, whatever, that’s on them, but kids do not need this junk in their faces. If parents want their kids reading this smut, then let parents buy the books for their kids and read them at home. But they should not be in public access areas anymore than, Penthouse, Playboy and other pornographic materials. These are truly X-rated content, and many of them in the form of GRAPHIC NOVELS. You might as well put the Kama Sutra in the kid’s section!
Do you support policies that allow boys who identify as girls to use the same bathrooms and locker rooms as girls?
No. We have two genders created by God. Male (XY) and Female (XX). Anyone who identifies differently needs love, support, and counseling.
Do you support traditional biological determinations for eligibility to participate in boys sports and girls sports?
XY Chromosomes a.k.a. Male play in boy’s sports even if you like wearing skirts and makeup. XX Chromosomes also known as Female, play in girl’s sports, even if you’re a tomboy.
Do you oppose all curriculum that incorporates the teaching of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and Social Emotional Learning?
Yes. This is not education. Our education system should be focused on Math, Reading, Writing, Accurate and Complete History, Science, CIVICS, and Financial Literacy. The rest needs to be handled at home.
There will be other forums and opportunities that will happen in the coming weeks and months. I will be sure to share that information with you, here on this blog. In the meantime, check out my other post, if you haven’t already, Christians Rise Up to Restore Communities!

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